Our cats did fantastic job!!!
On saturday:
- Habibi Lillycubs - Ex1, BIV kitten, nom BIS, BIS kitten with all votes, Best Young cat II with all votes and BOB Young 3 ❤️💪🏼🏆☺️😻
- our pupil GIP Furia Lillycubs - Ex1, CAPS, BIV neuter, nom BIS, BIS neuter, Best Neuter cat II with all votes and BOB Neuter 3 ❤️💪🏼🏆☺️😻
- NW IC Ecliptic Rooibos, JW - Ex1, CAGCIB
On sunday:
- Habibi Lillycubs got Ex1, BIV kitten, nom BIS, BIS kotten (5:1) and... BIC!!! ❤️😻🏆🥇
- our pupil GIP Furia Lillycubs got Ex1, CAPS, BIV neuter, nom BIS and... she lost with latest World Winner 2:4!!!! 😳
- NW IC Ecliptic Rooibos, JW got Ex1, CAGCIB
We are so happy and proud