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Cat Show in Dopiewo

at the International Cat Show in Dopiewo our youngsers got great results😅👏🏼
- PL*Lillycubs Nori, JW - 2 x Ex1, 1 x BIV total, 2 x nom BIS, 2 x BIS kitten🏆🥰❤️, 1 x BOB3 young 🥉🥰 and 1 x BOB3🥉👏🏼💪🏼🥰❤️ It means that she would become Junnior Winner evan without special COVID regulations🏆😅🥰❤️💪🏼👏🏼
- PL*Lillycubs Morticia - 2 x Ex1, 1 x BIV total, 2 x nom BIS🥰❤️
PL*Lillycubs Pocahontas - 2 x Ex1, 1 x BIV kitten/junior🥰 

We're very hapy and proud of them😅🥰❤️